With funding from Pfizer Foundation, PSI through its affiliate PACE implemented a Youth-friendly Reproductive Health Program in the four districts of Kampala, Wakiso, Mukono, and Buikwe focusing on the provision of Youth-friendly sexual & reproductive health products and services including comprehensive contraception provision, treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, testing and counseling for HIV and maternal health services like Antenatal Care (ANC), child delivery and Postnatal Care. SEDC was contracted to conduct and endline evaluation for the project


Provision of Youth Friendly Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Services


PSI Uganda


Impact evaluation


Health and Wellbeing

Date started


Lead consultant

Prof. Narathius Asingwire


To ascertain whether the Pfizer YF project has increased access to high-quality youth-friendly SRH services in the private sector as well as improving the young people’s perception and demand for SRH services in the four project districts



A quasi-experimental evaluation design with the use of a counterfactual was employed to determine the project intervention effect by comparing what happened as a result of a program and what would have happened in the absence of the program. To create the counterfactual, the evaluation studied two population groups, namely, those who were served by the project (treatment/intervention group) and a control group – those who were not served by the project. The comparison was done in two ways; first among the four (4) districts of Buikwe, Mukono, Kampala and Wakiso where PACE implemented the Youth Friendly SRH project, and another four (4) districts where the project was not implemented. The second level was within the intervention districts to compare young people exposed to the project activities (SRH messages, peer-to-peer, youth group meetings and other interpersonal channels.