In June 2016, Program for Accessible Health Communication and Education (PACE) Contracted Socio-Economic Data Centre Ltd (SEDC) to conduct the “Family Planning Market Landscape Analysis for Uganda” to examine the functions, players, relationships, and incentives within the FP and condom markets in Uganda. The outcome of the exercise was intended to identify key market failures and constraints and inform the development of interventions to address them.


Family Planning Market Landscape Analysis for Uganda




Needs Assessments


Health and Wellbeing

Date started


Lead consultant

Prof. Narathius Asingwire


To examine the functions, players, relationships, and incentives within the FP and condom markets in Uganda. The completed landscapes will help to identify key market failures and constraints and inform the development of interventions to address them.


i. To identify the different functions, players, relationships and incentives within the FP and condom markets in Uganda.
ii. To identify any key market failures, gaps or inefficiencies in the provision of FP and condoms in the market
iii. To identify probable solutions to FP and condom market failures or constraints
iv. To quantify the size (volume and value) of the existing markets for FP and condoms


The Landscape employed a descriptive design using essentially qualitative methods of data collection. Data was collected through a review of the literature and in-depth interviews with key players and stakeholders in the market. The Landscape was delimited to only players within Uganda for both markets (FP and condoms). Players and stakeholders interviewed for this landscape were drawn from mostly three places namely Kampala, Entebbe, and Jinja.