This mapping study was conducted to identify locations and estimate the size of Key Affected Populations (KAPs) at a higher risk of HIV Infection in Kampala City Council Authority (KCCA). The mapping study was conducted under the auspices of AMICAALL Uganda Programme and partners [MARPI, MARPs Network], with the financial support from UNDP and in collaboration with Ministry of Health and Uganda AIDS Commission. The exercise was led by Dr. Denis Muhangi of Socio-Economic Data Centre Ltd as Team Leader assisted by Mr. Joseph Kiwanuka


Mapping and Size Estimation of the Key Affected Populations in Kampala Capital City Authority


AMICAALL Uganda Programme


Needs Assessments


Health and Wellbeing

Date started


Lead consultant

Dr. Denis Muhangi


To determine the location, estimate the size and understand the operational typology of KAPs in KCCA


1. To map KAPs in KCCA and categorize them by location, size and operational typology
2. To map out current HIV&AIDS interventions/services and providers, document the package of interventions provided, and nature of any partnerships in interventions delivery.
3. To recommend key sites for interventions in KCCA indicating which KAPs to prioritize based on the observed situation.


The study adopted the Geographical Mapping Approach proposed by Emmanuel et al, 2012, with a few modifications and adaptations to suit the local context, needs and realities. A Mapping Manual on the Geographical mapping Approach by Emmanuel et al (2012) together with UNDP guidelines for mapping MARPs greatly helped in shaping the design of this KAPs mapping. The design of the study benefited from the insights gained by the visit of members of the National MARPS/KAPs Steering Committee to India where a similar mapping study had been conducted. The mapping exercise in Uganda also received input from the Indian KAPs Bridging Project mapping experts prior to the commencement of fieldwork activities and during analysis.

A cross-sectional mapping design using both quantitative and qualitative methods was adopted. The study entailed consultations with a wide range of stakeholders in order to triangulate data from different sources. Structured forms/worksheets were used to collect quantitative data from selected Key Informants, and members of KAPs. In-depth interview guides and FGD guides were used to collect qualitative data to help provide insights and explanations to the quantitative data and to understand the typology of KAPs.