With funding from the United StatesAgency for International Development (USAID), ChildFund implemented an Economic Strengthening for Families (ESFAM) Project in the Districts of Kamuli in Eastern Uganda, Luwero in Central Uganda and Gulu in Northern Uganda. In 2018, Child Fund contracted Prof. Narathius Asingwire of Socio-Economic Date Centre Ltd to document experiences of ESFAM Project Staff and the project beneficiaries i.e. children and youth in savings groups and the caregivers in Matched Savings Account (MSA) households and the index children.
Economic Strengthening to Keep and Reintegrate Children into Families. Children and Youth Savings Groups
To generate the Learning Brief on CYSGs, drawing on evidence from implementation of ES interventions of the project and input from participants and stakeholders in the project
1. To examine and document the achievements of the CYSGs.
2. To document the implementers’, beneficiaries’ and support agencies’ learning experiences around the interventions of CYSGs.
3. To document the influence of the ES interventions on the beneficiaries of CYSGs.
4. To assess the level of sustainability of the positive outcomes of the CYSG intervention.
5. To delineate key recommendations for future ES interventions by ChildFund International.
A highly participatory approach using qualitative methods of stakeholder selection and data collection was adopted in undertaking this assignment. Quantitative methods were limited to gathering and analyzing appropriate project data from Monitoring Reports, Ledgers, Savings Groups’ Profile Tracking Reports and the Mid-Term Assessment Report. Interview participants included members of the CYSGs (children and youth cohorts )(using focus group discussions) and ESFAM Project staff (using key informant interviews).