The Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Health with Support from the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) through the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), with overall coordination from the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) commissioned Socio-economic Data Center (SEDC) to undertake an evaluation of family planning programmes particularly targeting young people 15-24. The Midline Evaluation constituted the third phase of this project
Impact Evaluation of Government of Uganda Family Planning Programs and Policies Targeting Young People Aged 15-24 Years: A Midline Study of Youth-Friendly Services
To generate information to fill gaps and provide an in-depth understanding of the issues generated from the Process Evaluation and Baseline Study and prepare a firm context for the Endline Study.
(i) What is the nature and scope of community-based youth friendly FP and SRH services available in the study districts?
(ii) What are the physical, infrastructural, human and other capacities of existing youth-friendly service points?
(iii) To what extent do existing youth-friendly services adhere to GOU/MOH Guidelines and standards?
Data for this Midline Study was collected largely through qualitative methods supplemented by quantitative methods. Qualitative methods of data collection included FGDs and in-depth interviews with key informants particularly In charges of Youth Corners/Centres. The quantitative aspect of this Midline mainly comprised a Profiling of existing Youth friendly Facilities i.e. Corners or Centres using a structured questionnaire. The Midline study was conducted in the same sites where the Baseline was conducted i.e 18 out of the 177 districts existing at the time representing all the regions of the country. The selection of districts was purposive to cover districts with established youth corners.