The Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Health with Support from the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) through the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), with overall coordination from the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) commissioned Socio-economic Data Center (SEDC) to undertake an evaluation of family planning programmes particularly targeting young people 15-24. The Baseline Evaluation constituted the second phase of this project
Impact Evaluation of Government of Uganda Family Planning Programs and Policies Targeting Young People Aged 15-24 Years: A Baseline Study of Youth-Friendly Services
1. Find out current sexual practices including abstinence of young people in Uganda
2. Find out levels of utilization of contraceptives and other sexual and reproductive health services among young people
3. Assess the awareness of existing youth friendly FP/SRH services and levels of self-efficacy among young people.
4. Find out exposure to information and communication about FP services at youth corners and other sources.
This Baseline Survey was implemented guided by the overall design proposed for undertaking the Impact Study. The overall design utilizes a panel design including two large-scale quantitative surveys (Baseline and Endline). This Baseline survey was conducted with a sample of young people (15-24 years) in sample sites across Uganda utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods including structured questionnaires, focus group discussions, key informant interviews and review of secondary data.