Population Services International Uganda (PSIU) is a Ugandan NGO which aims to measurably improve the health of vulnerable Ugandans using evidence-based social marketing and other proven techniques that promote sustained behavior change. PSIU contracted Socio-Economic Data Centre Ltd (SEDC) to conduct two studies concurrently; one aimed at measuring perceptions and practices related to Intrauterine devices (IUDs) and post-abortion care (PAC) among women of age 15-49 years while the other assessing health provider knowledge, perceptions and practices about IUDs and Misoprostol for PAC in the private sector
Follow-up Coverage Survey on Misoprostol in Uganda and an Enhancement of Public Sector (EPSE) Survey on Readiness to Provide IUDs and PAC Services in Uganda
To measure current coverage of misoprostol in public and private facilities. The study will measure the geographic coverage of misoprostol as well as the quality of the distribution network
1) To monitor the geographic coverage of misoprostol and Mifepristone.
2) To monitor the quality of coverage of misoprostol and Mifepristone.
3) To monitor misoprostol and Mifepristone numerical distribution rates by outlet type.
A cross-sectional survey design largely adopting quantitative methods is being used to execute this Follow-up Coverage Survey on Misoprostol in Uganda. Structured questionnaires are being used to collect data on availability and quality of access to Misoprostol as well as Mifepristone from both public and private sector health facilities in the 82 districts where the intervention was implemented.