Population Services International Uganda (PSIU) is a Ugandan NGO which aims to measurably improve the health of vulnerable Ugandans using evidence-based social marketing and other proven techniques that promote sustained behaviour change. PSIU contracted Socio-Economic Data Centre Ltd (SEDC) to conduct two studies concurrently; one aimed at measuring perceptions and practices related to IUDs and post-abortion care (PAC) among women of age 15-49 years while the other assessing health provider knowledge, perceptions and practices about IUDs and Misoprostol for PAC in the private sector,
Follow-up Survey Measuring Perceptions and Practices related to IUDs and Post Abortion Care among Health Providers in the Private Sector and Women of Reproductive Age in Uganda exiting health facilities
To follow up the outcomes of interventions that targeted health providers by understanding the current status of provider knowledge, perceptions and practices related to IUDs and Misoprostol for PAC among ProFam and non-ProFam providers.
1. Monitoring: What are the trends in perceptions towards IUDs and Misoprostol for PAC among ProFam and non-ProFam providers?
2. Monitoring: What are the trends in practices related to IUDs and Misoprostol for PAC among ProFam and non-ProFam providers?
3. Evaluation: Is exposure to PSIU ProFam activities related to changes in practices and perceptions about IUDs and Misoprostol for PAC?
4. Evaluation: What is the brand appeal of the ProFam franchise among private sector facilities?
The study is adopting a longitudinal design. Specific providers at specific ProFam and non-franchise facilities that were surveyed in 2015 are being surveyed again. The study will compare the providers exposed to the intervention under ProFam (treatment) and those who have not been exposed to any franchise activities. The study is being done using quantitative methods of data collection and the results will be generalized among ProFam providers and non-franchise providers.