Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) is one of the Government of Uganda’s key interventions under the Malaria Reduction Strategy (2014-2020) focussing on both low and epidemic-prone areas (to prevent malaria epidemics) and high transmission endemic areas, accompanied by environmental management where feasible and effective. The QED Group, LLC contracted Socio-Economic Data Centre Ltd. (SEDC) to conduct an evaluation of the Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) program Phase II implemented by the Government of Uganda with support from the US Government.


Mid Term Evaluation of The Uganda Indoor Residual Spraying Project Phase II


The QED Group


Impact evaluation


Health and Wellbeing

Date started


Lead consultant

Dr. Denis Muhangi


To assess the extent to which the IRS project was achieving its objectives during the 2012 – 2015 period, and document emerging lessons that could be scaled up during the remaining period of the project


1. To what extent is the IRS program meeting the high-quality standards set out in the program design?
2. To what extent did the Behavioral Change Communication (BCC) campaign influence desired behaviours in net use, prevention of malaria in pregnancy, seeking treatment early and other kinds of malaria prevention and management practices?
3. How have structures and partnerships developed under NMCP been strengthened to continue implementing IRS interventions?
4. What are stakeholders’ perceptions on the effectiveness of IRS?
5. How has the program monitoring system, including environmental compliance and the collaborative learning and adapting approach supported program management, learning and adaptation?


A non-experimental evaluative design utilizing a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches based on comparisons of before and after situations was used. The evaluation utilized a consultative and participatory process, which allowed active participation of selected beneficiaries and key stakeholders involved in the design and implementation of the IRS project. Both primary
and secondary data sources were used.


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