The Government of Uganda (GOU), through the MWE secured funding from the African Development Bank (AfDB) towards support of the Water Supply and Sanitation Programme—Phase One (WSSP-1), which included funding for implementation of water supply and sanitation projects for small towns (STs)/rural growth centres (RGCs) within the WSDF—C. In March 2017, the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) through Water and Sanitation Development Facility—Central (WSDF-C) contracted Socio-Economic Data Centre Ltd (SEDC) to provide consultancy services for “Completion Surveys in Towns Implemented Under Water and Sanitation Programme (Phase One) by Water and Sanitation Development Facility—Centralâ€.
Completion Surveys in Towns Implemented Under Water and Sanitation Programme (Phase One) by The Water And Sanitation Development Facility - Central
To establish the overall functionality status of the water supply and sanitation infrastructure in the 22 towns of Nakaseke, Kasanje, Wakiso, Kakiri, Kako, Bweyale, Zirobwe, Ntwetwe, Najjembe, Nkoni, Kinogozi, Kyamulibwa, Bukomansimbi, Kakumiro, Kabango-Budongo, Buliisa, Kayunga, Kiboga, Ssunga, Katuugo and Kakooge
1. To ascertain the percentage population accessing the water and sanitation services in the towns as compared to before system completion
2. To ascertain the working conditions and or the system performance of the water supply and sanitation system (technical, commercial and managerial functionality)
3. To ascertain improvements made in hygiene and sanitation since project completion.
A cross-sectional survey design using both quantitative and qualitative methods was used to conduct the Completion Surveys. The quantitative methods helped to generate representative statistical data while qualitative methods provided an in-depth understanding of the lived experiences of community members in the beneficiary STs and RGCs. Participants in the survey comprised both domestic and non-domestic populations in the 22 STs/RGCs as well as key informants involved in water and sanitation activities