Joint Medical Store (JMS) is a Non-Governmental Private Not-for-Profit Organisation established by Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau and Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau as a pharmaceutical wholesaler and supply chain organization licensed by National Drug Authority to engage in the import, export, wholesale and distribution of medicines and related health supplies. Socio-Economic Data Centre was contracted to evaluate and facilitate the process of revising the institution's Strategic Plan/Business Strategy 2015/16 – 2017/18.


Evaluation of Joint Medical Store Strategic Plan 2015/16-2017/18


Joint Medical Store


Strategic planning


Health and Wellbeing

Date started


Lead consultant

Prof. Narathius Asingwire


To assess the effectiveness, efficiency, relevancy and sustainability of the JMS Strategic Plan (2015/16 – 2017/18) and specifically identify achievements, bottlenecks and shortfalls during the implementation period. The Evaluation was also intended to identify adjustments needed to make the strategy more relevant and sustainable in answering the medium-term and future needs of JMS and her stakeholders.


1. Assess progress made in implementation of the strategies as set out in the strategy
2. Evaluate the core objectives as set out in the strategy and their ability to meet the business needs of JMS
3. Review current organizational structure and its appropriateness and recommend the best structure that fits the future business needs
4. Evaluate the impact of the restructuring and propose an appropriate structure for the period of the strategy
5. Evaluate Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and data management system and make recommendation of the best way to manage data/information and use it for decision making
6. Propose areas that need adjustment in the Strategy


A largely qualitative and participatory approach was adopted in the execution of this evaluation. Data were collected from various stakeholders involved in the implementation of the business strategy. These included JMS staff, Management, Board Members and representatives from Medical Bureaus. Others included customers, policy makers and implementing partners. This participatory approach also ensured that the recommendations for revision and extension of the SP are relevant to the needs of various stakeholders.


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